캐나다 이민 시 자주 사용하는 줄임말 모음

HANIM 2017. 3. 8. 19:15

Acronyms used at Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

참고로 IRCC는 캐나다 이민성 (CIC)의 새 이름이라 한다.

캐나다비자 포럼에서 공유 :-)
Ctrl+F 로 찾으면 더욱 쉽게 찾을 수 있다.

Pdf 파일으로 받으려면 :

English Description       
AOR    Acknowledgment of Receipt       
AWR    Women at Risk       
BSO    Border Service Officer       
BVOR    Blended Visa Office-Referred Program       
CA    Contribution Agreement       
CAT    Convention Against Torture       
CBSA    Canada Border Services Agency       
CCR    Canadian Council for Refugees       
CEC    Canadian Experience Class       
CFP    Call for Proposals       
CG    Constituent Group       
CHRA    Canadian Human Rights Act       
CHRC    Canadian Human Rights Commission       
CIC    Citizenship and Immigration Canada       
CLB    Canadian Language Benchmarks       
CLBA    Canadian Language Benchmarks Assessment       
CLPR    Country of Last Permanent Residence       
CMAS    Childminding Monitoring Advisory and Support       
COB    Country of Birth       
COI    Certificate of Identity       
COPR    Confirmation of Permanent Residence       
CPC    Case Processing Centre       
CR    Convention Refugee       
CS    Community Sponsor       
CSIS    Canadian Security Intelligence Service      
CSQ    Certificate of Selection for Québec       
DIO    Designated Immigration Officer       
DMR    Destination Matching Request       
DMP    Designated Medical Practitioner       
DOB    Date of Birth       
DOJ    Department of Justice       
DR    Family Members of Protected Persons       
EO    Examination Officer       
ESDC    Employment and Social Development Canada       
ESL    English as a Second Language       
ETD    Emergency Travel Document       
FC    Family Class       
FSWP    Federal Skilled Workers Program       
FN    Foreign National       
FPT    Federal, Provincial, Territorial       
FSL    French as a Second Language       
G5    Group of Five       
GAC    Global Affairs Canada (formally DFATD)       
GAR    Government-Assisted Refugee       
GCMS    Global Case Management System       
GOC    Government Operations Centre       
GoC or GC    Government of Canada       
H&C    Humanitarian and Compassionate       
HDC    Humanitarian Designated Classes       
HPC    Humanitarian - Protected Persons Abroad Class       
iCARE    Immigration Contribution Agreement Reporting Environment       
ICCPR    International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights       
ICCRC    Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council       
IDP   Internally Displaced Person      
IFHP    Interim Federal Health Program      
ILS    Interim Lodging Site       
IME    Immigration Medical Examination       
INTERPOL    International Criminal Police Organization       
IO    Immigration Officer       
IOM    International Organization for Migration       
IR    International Region       
IRB    Immigration and Refugee Board       
IRCC    Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada       
IRPA    Immigration and Refugee Protection Act       
IRPR    Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations       
IS    Income Support       
JAS    Joint Assistance Sponsorship       
LINC    Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada       
LIP    Local Immigration Partnerships       
MC    Matching Centre       
NAT    Notification of Arrival Transmission       
NGO    Non-Governmental Organization       
NRA    NATO Refugees Agency       
NRAC    National Risk Assessment Centre       
NSC    National Settlement Council       
OGD    Other Government Department       
OLM    Official Language Minority       
PA    Principal Applicant       
PA    Privacy Act       
PHAC    Public Health Agency of Canada       
PIA    Toronto Pearson International Airport       
PNP    Provincial Nominee Program       
POB    Place of Birth    
POE    Port of Entry    
PP    Protected Persons       
PR    Permanent Resident       
PRC    Permanent Resident Card       
PRRA    Pre-Removal Risk Assessment       
PRTD    Permanent Resident Travel Document       
PSEPC    Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (formally PSC)       
PSR    Privately Sponsored Refugee       
PT    Provinces and Territories       
PTSS    Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome       
PTR    Protected Temporary Resident       
RAP    Resettlement Assistance Program       
RAP-IS    Resettlement Assistance Program Income Support       
RCMP    Royal Canadian Mounted Police       
RIF    Francophone immigration networks       
RM    Refugee Monitoring       
RMC    Refugee Matching Centre       
RRF    Resettlement Registration Form (UNHCR)       
RSTP    Refugee Sponsorship Training Program       
RTD    Refugee Travel Document       
RTS    Refugee Tracking System       
SAH    Sponsorship Agreement Holder       
SJTD    Single Journey Travel Document       
SPO    Service Provider Organization       
SWIS    Settlement Workers in School       
TD    Travel Document       
TFW    Temporary Foreign Worker       
TR    Temporary Resident       
TRA    Threat and Risk Assessment       
TRP    Temporary Resident Permit       
TRV    Temporary Resident Visa       
UCI    Unique Client Identifier Number       
UNHCR    United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees / UN Refugee Agency       
VOR    Visa Office-Referred (case)

빠진 건 내가 추가!
RPRF Right of Permanent Resident Fee
